The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
ICM&P 2022 International Conference
on Materials & Processing 2022


Tentative list of Japan Cooperative Organizations

The Japan Society of Applied Physics

The Japan Institute of Light Metals

The Japan Reinforced Plastics Society

The Society of Polymer Science

Gas Turbine Society of Japan

The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences

The Society of Rubber Science and Technology

The Society of Materials Science

The Japanese Society For Strength and Fracture of Materials

The Japanese Society For Technology of Plasticity

The Japanese Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers

Japan Foundry Engineering Society

The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan

Japanese Society of Tribologists

The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection

Japan Society for Composite Materials

The Japan Welding Engineering Society

Japan Thermal Spray Society

The Robotics Society of Japan

Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy

The Japan Society of Polymer Processing

Japan Welding Society

The Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics

The Japanese Society for Precision Engineering

The Chemical Society of Japan