Materials and Processing Division

Greetings of Former Chairs

102nd Inauguration Greeting 

Chair: Dr. Ryo Matsumoto (Osaka University) (April 2024)

   It is my pleasure to serve as the 102nd chair of the Materials and Processing (M&P) Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). Together with the support of Dr. Hiroki Akasaka (vice division chair, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Dr. Takenobu Sakai (division secretary, Saitama University), along with division steering committee members, and members of the technical committees, it is my desire to contribute further to the development of the M&P division and the JSME. As we will do our best to enhance our services, cooperation from each and every member is greatly appreciated.

   As you may be aware,  recent division and event operations until FY2023 were held with a combination of pre-pandemic conventional method and the provisional method during the pandemic. Hopefully, after this trial-and-error transition period, the situation will settle down in FY2024. We strongly hope to shift our meetings mainly from online to in-person, and have sufficient opportunities to discuss future plans for division and event operations.

   To generate active interaction within the M&P division, we believe it is most important to provide more opportunities for more members to meet together in-person. For this reason, we are currently preparing the following events in FY2024.

- Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2024 Japan (Sep. 8th–11th, Ehime University)

- 31st Material and Processing Division Conference (M&P2024) (Nov. 1st–3rd, University of Toyama)

- 7th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP2024) (Dec. 5th–7th, Chennai, India)

We strongly invite many members, especially young members in academia and industries, to seriously consider participating and presenting research achievements in these events.

   The key focus of the M&P division includes "contribution to industries" and "promotion of interaction between academia and industries", which also outlines the main feature of the M&P division. Our research fields are closely related to practical application in the industrial field, and we would like to enhance and strengthen these features as never before. For those of you who are members in the industries, we plan to have a session of new technology development forum (of course, presentations in the general sessions are also welcome). In many of the M&P salons, technical topics are provided from the industries, with the aim to provide opportunities for industry-academia collaboration. In addition, since the topics of the M&P seminars are selected with the needs of the industries in mind, we hope that these seminars will be useful in providing education for young employees, as well as reskilling mid-career engineers and researchers. Through such activities, we hope to achieve win-win-win relationships among industries, academia, and JSME.

   Other key focus of the M&P division is "promotion of interaction among the divisions". For this purpose, we plan to host joint organized sessions with the Materials and Mechanics (M&M) Division in M&P2024, and a joint seminar with the Computation Mechanics Division and M&M Division on June 18th. We warmly welcome your participation in these events. Through such interactions, the M&P division hopes to stimulate the activities within the division, while also increasing our presence within the society.

   As the number of members decrease due to population decline, we believe that it is vital for more members to actively participate in the events hosted by the M&P division. In this regard, we would like to ask all of you members again for your support and cooperation in the activities organized by the M&P division.

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101st Inauguration Greeting 

Chair: Dr. Gen Sasaki (Hiroshima University) (April 2023)

I am Gen Sasaki, and I have been appointed as the chair of the 101st Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Materials and Processing Division. Now, I belong to the Materials Physics Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Program, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University. My majors are metals and metal matrix composites based on material physics, electron microscopy, and interfacial engineering. In recent years, I have been also conducting research on thermal management materials and materials informatics. Although My major was originally from materials science and engineering, I have been in the mechanical engineering department for a long time, and I am conducting research on mechanical materials. I think I often cause you some trouble this year, but I hope for your kind cooperation.

Firstly, I would like to present my considerations on how this division should be managed within the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, and how we should be involved with medium- to long-term research strategies and advances in science and technology.

In The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, the three-year trial period for the new division system has ended, and the actual implementation will start this year, reflecting the issues extracted from the trial. In the new system, the most important issue is to create a system that activates exchanges between divisions. It is required to carry out concrete activities such as collocation. Joint symposiums on common themes will be jointly held by multiple divisions, and lectures by multiple divisions will be held at the same time and in the same place. Our division has been conducting activities under the policy statement " promoting exchanges between universities and companies, enhancing academic activities, contributing to the industrial world, and developing young human resources." We would like to follow this philosophy and develop it into concrete activities this year as well. The technical conference (M&P2023) scheduled to be held on September 27-29 at the Tsukuba Campus of the University of Tsukuba will be collocated with the M&M2023 Mechanics of Materials Conference. In addition to being able to come and go freely between the two conferences, we are also planning joint organized sessions, etc., and we will strive to realize lively interdepartmental exchanges. In addition, at the annual conference of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, joint projects with multiple divisions, planning, and implementation of keynote speeches, etc., workshops jointly planned with other divisions, holding M&P salons for the purpose of industry-academia exchanges, etc. Through activities, etc., we would like to raise the activities of this division under the new division system.

For the past three years, due to the influence of the corona virus, face-to-face activities have been significantly restricted, and I have not been able to do the high activities I wanted. We still need to be careful, but people's exchanges are gradually becoming more active, and we expect that this year's activities will be similar to the situation before COVID-19. On the other hand, it seems likely that the online communication that we experienced during the corona crisis will be developed as a new academic conference management style after the corona crisis. I think that imagination, planning ability, and execution ability are now being asked how to develop this new communication in the future activities of the academic society and lead to further activation of activities. I would like to establish at least the base for this one year and connect it to the development of the division in the future. In order to improve this plan, I need the wisdom and cooperation of various people involved in the division's activities, so I ask for your kind cooperation.

 In addition, the issues that Japan currently faces are relative technological capabilities, responses to the decline in competitiveness, and the realization of a sustainable society. To that end, innovations that address a wide range of industrial and social issues, such as electronics, life sciences, environment, and energy, are important. Materials science can be understood as an elemental technology that cuts across these fields. Therefore, progress in the fields of material engineering and material processing is indispensable for the development of science and technology and the solution of problems, and its importance is expected to increase further. On the other hand, in recent years, the progress of information processing technology such as big data and AI has been remarkable. New materials and new material manufacturing processes are being developed by analyzing a large number of different experiments and papers. With the addition of new research and development methods, we can expect further development of mechanical components with higher performance, multi-functionality, and increased freedom of shape. In the past, material engineering and material processing science was the rate-limiting factors for the development of science and technology. It is important to fuse conventional research methods and new research methods and build a research and development system that can quickly respond to all kinds of issues. It is also necessary to actively contribute to the progress of science and technology by using this construction. In addition, it is also necessary to cause a paradigm shift in science and technology by developing new materials and new material processing technologies based on new ideas that have not existed in the past. I believe that it is the task of the department to embody these missions and act as a bridge to the wider industrial world. It is important to study hard as an individual researcher, but it is also important to systematize individual strengths as an organization. The role that our division plays in society is important and wide-ranging, but we would like to share our challenges with you and contribute to the progress of the world.

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99th Farewell Speech 

Chair: Dr. Satoshi Kobayashi (Tokyo Metropolitan University) (April 2022)

This year, thanks to Yukio Miyashita, 99th Vice-Chair, Hayato Nakatani, 99th Secretary,
Steering Committee members, each technical committee member, and members registered
in the division, I was able to finish. I sincerely thank you for your cooperation. Although it is
still in the midst of a new type of coronavirus that has not been settled, I am pleased that
the activities of the academic society have gradually been restored, and although it is still in
the middle of the road.
Last year, due to the policy of the academic society headquarters, all the projects went
online. Even in such an environment, there were many very interesting lectures and lively
discussions at the annual conference in charge of Chiba University and the M & P technical
conference organized by Tohoku University. Thanks to the efforts of all the people in the
committees, I felt that we were able to show the strength of this division. In addition, we
held four seminars and four M & P salons this year, and I think that some results have been
Inter-division exchanges have been promoted for about two years, but last year we held a
joint seminar with the Computational Mechanics Division, and a large number of people
participated. This year, we are planning a seminar organized by this department jointly with
the Computational Mechanics Division. Thank you for your participation. Speaking of inter-
departmental exchanges, joint symposia with the mechanics of materials and
bioengineering divisions are planned at the International Conference on Materials and
Processing 2022 (ICM&P2022) to be held this year. I hope that this kind of inter-division
exchange flow will continue without interruption.
This year may be a turning point in society, such as the 100th milestone of the Japan
Society of Mechanical Engineers, a shift to a lifestyle with an eye on corona, and the
destabilization of world affairs. Although it is such a difficult time, a new activity evaluation
will be conducted for the department. Under the strong leadership of the 100th Division
Chair Yukio Miyashita, Vice Division Manager Gen Sasaki, and Secretary Tomohiro Sato, I
hope that you will promote the "strengths" of this division under this difficult situation. I will do my best to cooperate as a steering committee member.
Last but not least, Prof. Akio Suzumura, the 74th division manager, passed away in July
last year, and Prof. Toshikatsu Ohtani, the first division manager, passed away in April.
Both of them have made great contributions to the development of this division, and I would
like to see you again. I am great pity and extend my sincerest condolences.

99th Inauguration Greeting 

Chair: Dr. Satoshi Kobayashi (Tokyo Metropolitan University) (April 2021)

I would like to announce that I have been appointed as the chairof the 99th Japan Society of Mechanical  Engineers  Materials  and  Processing  Division. Iwould  like  to  work  to  revitalize the  department  with  the  cooperation  of  Yukio  Miyashita, vice-chair, Hayato  Nakatani, divisionsecretary, DivisionSteering Committee members, and members of various technical committees. We will do our best, so we ask for your continued guidance and cooperation.

The  corona diseasefrom  last  year  has  not  seemed  to  subside, and  the  Japan  Society  of Mechanical Engineers has decided to hold various events online until the end of March 2022 (*). I think that many of the various online events last year were fumbling. However, thanks to the efforts of each executive committee, such as the annual convention and divisionconferences, wewerevery happy to be able to hold it safely. On the other hand, I think there were various problems. By sharing these points and giving feedback to this year's online event holding, we would like to improve the service especially to the members who have registered in the division.

At the annual convention held on 9/5 (Sun) -8 (Wed) this year, a large number of projects and organized sessions have been proposed by the division, and these are carefully prepared under the First Technical Committee. In addition, on November 18th (Thursday) and 19th (Friday), a divisiontechnical conferencewill be held online with the efforts of the members of the Second Technical Committee and the Executive Committee. Lectures at the technical conferenceare also subject to various awards. Especially for student members, I think that the award will encourage them to carry out their research activities. We look forward to your active participation.In  January  2022,  Asian  Symposium  on  Materials  and  Processing  will  be  held online with the cooperation of the vice chairMiyashita and Assoc. Prof. Farazila Binti Yusof of Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. It is due to the continuous efforts of the vice chairMiyashita, and I hope that theywill proceed with the plan steadily, but without overdoing it. Furthermore, in November 2022, the 4th Technical Committee and Executive Committee are preparing to hold  the  International  Conference  on  Materials  and  Processing  2022  (ICM&P2022)  in Okinawa under the conference chair Seiichi Hata. An international conference that has been co-sponsored  by  the  American  Society  of  Mechanical  Engineers.  This  is  an  initiative  to  be held in a new watby the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers alone. I strongly hope to hold this event face-to-facein two years, at least in a hybrid manner.

This year, I would like to focus on holding M&P salons and various seminars. Last year, in the midst  of  the  corona  wreck,  I  think  we  gradually  learned  what  and  how  we  could  do  online. Taking advantage of this experience, I am asking the 8th Technical Committee to make a plan, and I have high expectations. Regarding the seminar, there was talk of co-sponsoring with the Computational  Mechanics  Divisionand  the  Fluid  Engineering  Divisionfrom  the  previous year, and we would like to further expand the cooperation between the departments. Speaking of divisioncoordination, we decided to set up a joint session with the Mechanicsof Materials Divisionat a conferencein each other's divisionin the field of composite materials. It will be held in the Strength of Materials Division in 2021 and at ICM&P2022 mentioned above in 2022. This is also a new initiative, but we would like tocooperate as much as possible so that we can succeed.

Also, as pointed out by successive division chairs, I think that the activity of research sections and technical  sectionsis  one  of  the  characteristics  of  this  division.  Currently,  "Technical Section on  High  Performance  Nano-carbon  Composites",  "Technical  Section  on  Disaster Mitigation  and  Sustainable  Engineering",  "Study  Group  on  Molding  of  Polymer-Based Composite  Materials",  "Technical  Section  on  Next  Generation  3D  Printing",  "Technical Section on PD(Particle Deposition) Processes”havebeen set up. We would like to ask the Fifth  Technical  Committee  to  consider  further  revitalization  of  these  activities  and  the establishment of a new technicalsection. We ask the Public Relations Committee to play a major  role  in  disseminating  various  activities  such  as  lectures,  workshops,  and technicalsections that have been considered above. Although it is a very heavy role, I would like to ask for active public relations activities.

Considering the future of the departments and the academic societies, I think it is necessary to  strategically  formulate  future  plans  such  as  the  declining  birthrate  and  aging  population and  the  financial  problems  of  the  academic  societies.  I  would  like  the  Sixth  Technical Committee toconsider future plans over a longer span, including the ideal form of the latest division technical conference. Needless to say, thesis and publishing activities are considered to  be  the  basis  of  academic  society  activities.  There  is  a  report  that  the  number  of  posts increased  due  to  the  corona  disaster  last  year,  but  I  would  like  to  ask  the  7th  Technical Committee to take measures such as speeding up the peer review process.

As  mentioned  above,  I  am  very  sorry  that  the  story  is  not  organized.  In  addition,I  made various requests, but I am aware that I must make the most. I am ready for that. In cooperation with the members of each committee, we will continue to provide more services to everyone involved in the divisionand make efforts so that we are glad that we were registered in this department. We appreciate your support and encouragement.

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Chair: Dr. Masaaki Otsu  (University of Fukui) (April 2020)

The new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which is currently raging all over the world, was first confirmed in Wuhan, China in December last year, and the first case was confirmed in Japan on January 14, 2020. For a while after that, the rate of increase in the number of infected people was not fast in Japan, but it gradually increased from mid-February, and in March it dramatically increased and the schools all over the country were closed. In April, the state of emergency was announced, and we cannot estimate when it will end. As with other academic societies and associations, many events at the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers have been suspended or postponed, and social activity has declined significantly. To all members, please be careful not to contract this infectious disease.

Under such the emergency situation, which is said to be the largest after the war, I was appointed the 98th period chair of the Materials and Processing Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. We would like to flexibly survive this emergency with vice chair Satoshi Kobayashi, secretary Jumpei Sakurai, steering committee members, technical committee members, and all members registered in this division. We would like to ask all members for their cooperation.

Even when I was the secretary of this division in 2011, the 89th chair of this division Naoto Ohtake set up an emergency task force organization at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and we worked as an expert group on various activities. At that time, people in unaffected areas were able to support the affected areas, but this time almost all people in Japan are at risk, and we cannot not know who could support whom and the situation is different at that time. While I am writing this article, the situation is getting worse day by day, and I have no idea what I can do. Therefore, I think that the most important thing in the division management is to make preparations for restarting activities and contributing to recovery as soon as the viral infection is over, as far as working from home is possible.

By the way, it is unclear what kind of event can be held this year, but the annual conference will be held at Nagoya University from September 13th to 16th, and the 28th Materials and Processing Technical Conference (M&P2020) will be held at the Yokohama Port Memorial Hall from November 18th to 20th. Since the number of corporate members participating in the conference is decreasing, and many corporate members want to hold it on weekdays, M&P2020 will be held on weekdays. In addition, in response to the desire to listen presentations by and discuss with not only students but also experts, students basically make poster presentations, and oral presentations are limited to experts. We welcome many participants to the conference. In addition, we will hold a short course "Let's learn once again about the Engineering Materials -Basic Lecture for Young Mechanical Engineers-" that is effective for young engineer's education of member companies and M&P salon where you can easily listen to various latest topics. In addition, we started preparation of a new international conference from the last year, and we will proceed so that decisions can be made within this fiscal year. In addition, this division will celebrate the 30th anniversary of its founding this year. Similar to the 20th and 25th anniversaries of our foundation, we are planning to hold a 30th anniversary commemorative lecture meeting and stand-up dinner party.

As the phrase "pinch is a chance" suggests, remote classes and online meetings have been technically possible until now, but introduction was not progressing in order to avoid changing the conventional method. However, because it has been forced to take temporary closure of school and working from home all over the world, it is being introduced even in Japan where IT is delayed. The method of use is still in the trial and error stage, but we have gradually found good ways to use it, and when we tried it, we found that it was unexpectedly easy and convenient. Online drinking parties are also held. It is better to do them face-to-face, but it is likely that useful things will not be stopped even if the infectious disease ends, and they will be used more and more. At the iJSME2015 conference organized by this division, there were oral remote presentations on the web at the conference, and at the iJSME conferences after that, poster presentations were also made remotely. Also, some international conferences have introduced remote presentation via the web. There may be a day when the banquet will be held online. Although the concept such as online conferences and seminars (called webinars) is not new, I am planning to increase the number of new projects using online as the environment for accepting them is being prepared.

Finally, Mr. Shoichi Echigo, former Chairman of ITOCHU Corporation, said, "In times of adversity, you have the chance to test foresight and mobility." Now that we are in an emergency situation with the spread of infectious diseases, we would like to quickly challenge various new initiatives so that we can contribute not only to this division but also to society, looking ahead to the end of the emergency situation. We would like to ask all members for their support.

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Chair: Dr. Satoshi Kishimoto (NIMS) (April 2015)

Welcome to the homepage of Materials and Processing (M&P) Division of JSME. M&P division was launched in 1991 as one of 18 divisions in JSME. Since then, we have been committed to the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge in the field of materials and processing, which covers not only mechanical materials and materials processing, but also characteristics & evaluation as well as utilization technology. We will continue unremittingly with our effort to contribute to the development of this research field.

In this fiducial year, we will have four events. These are three conferences and a lecture meeting and a party commemorating the 25th anniversary of this division. For the conference, one is the 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP2015) at Lombok Raya Hotel, Indonesia in this August. Another is the JSME Annual Meeting 2015, including a technical forum by a new research group on 3D printing, which began in our division two year ago. This meeting will be held at Hokkaido University in this September. We will be organizing several sessions and some special programs at this meeting. The other is the conference of Materials and Processing (M&P2015) at Hiroshima University in this September. Finally, it is very glad for me to inform you that we will have a lecture meeting and a party commemorating the 25th anniversary of this division at Meiji Kinenkan in Tokyo on March 28, 2016. I would like to ask you to join these conference, meeting and party.

The Lecture Meeting "M&P Salon" and the Short Course "Let's learn once again about the Engineering Materials -Basic Lecture for Young Mechanical Engineers-" will be held regularly. Please join us!

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Chair: Dr. Kazunari Shinagawa (Kagawa University) (April 2014)

Welcome to the homepage of Materials and Processing (M&P) Division of JSME. M&P division was launched in 1991 as one of 18 divisions in JSME. Since then, we have been committed to the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge in the field of materials and processing, which covers not only mechanical materials and materials processing, but also characteristics & evaluation as well as utilization technology. We will continue unremittingly with our effort to contribute to the development of this research field.

As the most important international event for our division, this year the 5th JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICM&P2014) will be held in Detroit, in cooperation with the Manufacturing Engineering Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (MED/ASME) and the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (NAMRI/SME). More actively than before, we will be organizing several sessions and some special programs at the JSME Annual Meeting 2014, including a technical forum by a new research group on 3D printing, which began in our division last year. In terms of regional cooperation, the preparation of the 5th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP2015) will be earnestly progressed for the coming year.

The Lecture Meeting "M&P Salon" and the Short Course "Let's learn once again about the Engineering Materials -Basic Lecture for Young Mechanical Engineers-" will be held regularly. Please join us!

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Chair: Dr. Naoto Ohtake (Tokyo Institute of Technology) (April 2011)

The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, one that could only occur once in a thousand years has claimed many sacred lives. I would like to offer my deepest condolence to those who have lost their lives and profound sympathy to those suffering from this disaster. It has been painful to hear unfortunate reports on the situation at corporations and universities located in the Tohoku and Kanto area. Additionally, I would like to praise and thank those who are working day and night to restore the damaged and the afflicted areas including Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant caused by the earthquake and tsunami.

This Division, comprised of approx. 4,700 materials and material processing experts, is responsible to contribute for the reconstruction of Japan's industry that is expected to take a long time. This disaster has destroyed so much of what we had. At the same time, an emergency agenda to reduce electricity usage radically and even operating without electricity is upon us, something that has never been on our mind before. Furthermore, we have not solved any environment and energy issue that occupied our minds before the quake at all. With this drastic change in circumstances, the direction and production paradigm of Japan's science and technology is expected to change dramatically.

In this crucial situation, I believe for those specialized in mechanical engineering, it is our mission is to overcome and progress technology that will enable more energy conservation and further advance production technology. I would be grateful if all registered members of this division will put your hearts together to work vigorously for industrial recovery utilizing science and technology.

Meanwhile, due to energy required to maintain your base organization and daily family lives, shortage of power supply and transportation constraints, there may be times when academic society and related activities should be limited. We have cancelled the special lecture and celebration of the 20th anniversary of this division scheduled on March 24th. It is not only this division but there have been numerous academic conferences either cancelled or postponed that were to be held during this spring. Based on the above circumstance, M&P division will temporary limit activities that require gatherings until end of May and during summer period (July and August) as much as possible. The ten committees within this division will devote and contribute to society during June and from September onwards. I would like to seek everyone's understanding and support. The JSME headquarter has expressed it will establish emergency task force and take meaningful action as a specialist group. Let us all confront this national crisis up front.

The international conference ICM&P2011 at Oregon State University will be held from June 13th (Mon) until June 17th (Fri) this year. It is unfortunate that participation will be limited. If you are attending, please provide accurate information on the disaster and re-enforce that Japan's industry production ability will not diminish but is progressing steadily for the future.

Lastly, there is something I would like to tell young engineers, academics and students. The recovery of Japan's industry will not happen in a short time frame. Therefore, in order to develop on top of recovery, your flexible intelligence and nimble action is a must. Please do not be an observer even if you are not a victim of the disaster. Do not stop thinking and take a step ahead to adapt to social change. Please humbly learn as much as you can from this disaster, by making most of it in your future as a human being and as an engineer, as a way to remunerate the lost, the sufferer and those servicing the disaster area. You are the future of Japan's industry. I sincerely wish you would all excel yourself.

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