Materials and Processing Division

Welcome to the home page of the M&P division Division Chair's Address

102nd Chair: Dr. Ryo Matsumoto
 (Osaka University)


   It is my pleasure to serve as the 102nd chair of the Materials and Processing (M&P) Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). Together with the support of Dr. Hiroki Akasaka (vice division chair, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Dr. Takenobu Sakai (division secretary, Saitama University), along with division steering committee members, and members of the technical committees, it is my desire to contribute further to the development of the M&P division and the JSME. As we will do our best to enhance our services, cooperation from each and every member is greatly appreciated.

   As you may be aware,  recent division and event operations until FY2023 were held with a combination of pre-pandemic conventional method and the provisional method during the pandemic. Hopefully, after this trial-and-error transition period, the situation will settle down in FY2024. We strongly hope to shift our meetings mainly from online to in-person, and have sufficient opportunities to discuss future plans for division and event operations.

   To generate active interaction within the M&P division, we believe it is most important to provide more opportunities for more members to meet together in-person. For this reason, we are currently preparing the following events in FY2024.

- Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2024 Japan (Sep. 8th–11th, Ehime University)

- 31st Material and Processing Division Conference (M&P2024) (Nov. 1st–3rd, University of Toyama)

- 7th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP2024) (Dec. 5th–7th, Chennai, India)

We strongly invite many members, especially young members in academia and industries, to seriously consider participating and presenting research achievements in these events.

   The key focus of the M&P division includes "contribution to industries" and "promotion of interaction between academia and industries", which also outlines the main feature of the M&P division. Our research fields are closely related to practical application in the industrial field, and we would like to enhance and strengthen these features as never before. For those of you who are members in the industries, we plan to have a session of new technology development forum (of course, presentations in the general sessions are also welcome). In many of the M&P salons, technical topics are provided from the industries, with the aim to provide opportunities for industry-academia collaboration. In addition, since the topics of the M&P seminars are selected with the needs of the industries in mind, we hope that these seminars will be useful in providing education for young employees, as well as reskilling mid-career engineers and researchers. Through such activities, we hope to achieve win-win-win relationships among industries, academia, and JSME.

   Other key focus of the M&P division is "promotion of interaction among the divisions". For this purpose, we plan to host joint organized sessions with the Materials and Mechanics (M&M) Division in M&P2024, and a joint seminar with the Computation Mechanics Division and M&M Division on June 18th. We warmly welcome your participation in these events. Through such interactions, the M&P division hopes to stimulate the activities within the division, while also increasing our presence within the society.

   As the number of members decrease due to population decline, we believe that it is vital for more members to actively participate in the events hosted by the M&P division. In this regard, we would like to ask all of you members again for your support and cooperation in the activities organized by the M&P division.