シンポジウムリスト |
Track 1 Materials
- 1-1. Advances in Manufacturing and Application of Metal Matrix Composites
- 1-2. Ceramics and Ceramic Matrix Composites
- 1-3. Cutting-Edge Technologies and Innovation Around Soft Matter
- 1-4. Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of Smart and Advanced Materials
- 1-5. Dynamics Behavior of Materials and Structures
- 1-6. Novel Porous Materials and their Applications
- 1-7. Polymer and Polymer Matrix Composites
Track 2 Processing
- 2-1. Advanced Casting and Semisolid Forming Techniques
- 2-2. Advanced Fabrication Process
- 2-3. Advanced Powder Processing Technique
- 2-4. Advances in Additive Manufacturing
- 2-5. Advances in Manufacturing Processes of Biomedical Materials and Products
- 2-6. Forming and Joining of Traditional and Lightweight Materials
- 2-7. Surface Modification Technology, Coating, Wear and Tribology
- 2-8. Welding/Joining/Particle Deposition/Surface and Interface
Track 3 Micro and Nano Technlogy
- 3-1. Creation and Application of Micro-Nano Materials
- 3-2. Micro/Nano Scale Fabrication Processes
Track 4 Properties, Application and Systems
- 4-1. Monitoring, Sensing, and Control for Intelligent Machining and Inspection